Technology in Education

Purpose of Technology in Education Technology can be viewed as an imperative tool educators use to provide and improve outstanding instruction. Students over the last decade have been inundated with various types of technologies nearly every day of their lives.  They have become accustomed to interacting with handheld devices that provide instantaneous information or feedback. TeachersContinue reading “Technology in Education”

Differentiation through Technology

Effective teachers balance the demand of their curriculum with the needs of their students by using a variety of instructional strategies.  Strategies that address learning styles, such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic aid students, especially those who need differentiation, to make connections, discover abstract concepts through visuals, or work in classrooms where cooperative learning andContinue reading “Differentiation through Technology”


Of the 8-week course, one week down. It wasn’t super bad. I feel like I planned out my week pretty decently and even gave myself Friday night off for a quick boat ride on the lake with a friend. However, the weekend hours quickly filled in and it was Sunday night before I knew it.Continue reading “12.5%”


I have always know I was a slow reader. I enjoyed English class when the teacher would read aloud; allowed my brain to see the words on the book page in front of me and hear the language. NOT so much anymore. I began reading last night, from one of my textbooks. Although technology hasContinue reading “Snail.”